11 Quotes & Sayings By Dana Perino

Dana Perino is a Fox News contributor, host of the Fox News Channel show "Dana," and author of " Screwed: The Undeclared War on America's Retirement Savings. She worked as an analyst on the FOX News Channel program America Live. Prior to that she was a senior adviser to President George W. Bush and a former press secretary to Vice President Dick Cheney Read more

Perino also worked as a political commentator, first on CNN's Crossfire and then as a panelist on The O'Reilly Factor. She served as White House deputy press secretary from 2001 to 2003 and press secretary from 2001 to 2002.

The Cuban Missile Crisis. It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I'm pretty sure. Dana Perino
The life my grandparents had was thoroughly American. They built a small ranch into a huge operation and fulfilled my great-grandparents' dreams. Theirs was... a simpler time of contentment and patriotism. Dana Perino
I get a choice every time I have to open my mouth: that it can be with civility and dignity and grace - or not. Dana Perino
Good governance, safety, a chance to grow economically and professionally - those are important things. Dana Perino
It's one of my favorite seasons of the year: Back to School. As a kid, I loved fresh school supplies, new outfits, the change of seasons, and the chance to crack open a new textbook. Dana Perino
I was raised to believe that America was a force for good in the world and that it should take its leadership role seriously. Dana Perino
My great-grandmother lived to be 100 years old, so I got to know her. She always sent us birthday cards that had $2 bills inside - we kept them for good luck. Dana Perino
There is freedom in forgiveness, and it's not that hard to do once you get into the habit. Dana Perino
I've been in government and politics my entire career, and while I try to keep a level head and a reasonable tone in my commentary, even I can lose my head sometimes and let anger bubble over and burst out. It feels gross, looks ugly, and leaves a lasting mark. Dana Perino
One time, on Marine One, the president asked me my opinion. I had a flashback to being at the kitchen table with my dad. That dominant male figure set me up for being confident to express myself with precision and persuasion. Dana Perino